Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Social Security

As a baby boomer I am rapidly closing in on the time when I will want to file for my Social Security. Whether I'll be able to retire and enjoy my leisure is another question.

It's been speculated many times that SS will likely be broke by then and Congress has not formulated a better plan to save it. I, on the other hand, have had the answer for some time. It's quite simple... cancel all Congressional pensions!

If they have to live on their SS as so many of us poor schmucks will have to do they'll fix the system in a big hurry.

Then too, most of them are lawyers and will likely get some high paying job once they're voted out of office. A job that will likely have a large pension attached to it when the time comes so they won't need their SS anyway. But you know the greedy group will apply for it anyway just so the rest of us can't get it first..

There also is another issue that is happening right now. The current administration wants to cut back on funding for medical care for children of low income families. Why? Most likely it is because the war in the Middle East is costing so much that they have to cut back on something. Who cares if hundreds of sick children die so long as we keep funding a senseless war where we're killing so many young adults. They get to cut back on the surplus population even faster. This has also prompted several states to sue the Bush administration to get the funding restored.

Get the tar and feathers ready, folks.

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