Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ban violent video games

Video gamers will likely think I'm way off base here but I think it's in the best interest of the mental health of our youths to ban violent video games.

I personally don't play the games. I'm into creating art not watching it try to maim, maul or slay everything. A co-worker related to me that he was trying out a demo in a local video store. In the demo a number of Arab types were shooting and killing American soldiers. In the demo he was able to capture one of the enemy and was offered the option to tie up the prisoner or shoot him. He chose to shoot the prisoner in the head then instantly felt guilty for his selection. He had no idea why he did it.

As far as I'm concerned it was nothing but brainwashing brought on by current events and the creators of the video. Philadelphia, PA is experiencing an average of more than one murder a day. The weekends are especially littered with fatalities. When these young people see how little worth is placed on life in these videos they translate it to the real world and experience no hesitation in shooting real people. These are not organized crime in action where those who cross the Mob get payed back. These are innocent men, women and children trying to enjoy life who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We all covet our freedom and the pursuit of happiness... but what happens if the City Fathers get just fed up enough to declare Marshall Law, bring in the National Guard and detain anyone who steps outside after curfew without good reason or, God forbid, someone who looks like he might have a gun gets shot. Think it can't happen, don't bet on it? The public will demand that the Mayor do something about it sooner or later. Worse would be if people started behaving like Charles Bronson in the "Death Wish" movies.

Think about this. What if someone created a video game call "Ku Klux Klan"? In this game a group of murderers in white sheets and cone shaped hats took it upon themselves to enter any metropolitan city to: stalk black men and women, shoot black men and women, hang from lamp posts black men and women and rape black women and/or castrate black men before they executed them. Points would be scored for how many kills you made and the level of violence in doing so. The Government would pull such a game from production before the NAACP could get to their phones.

So why isn't the Government curtailing these other violent games? Oh yeah. There's that 1st Amendment thing. I was unaware it stated you had the right to act like an asshole. It's up to parents to not allow such games in their homes and stop letting that one eyed electronic cyclops be the babysitter of their children. Know who your children's friends are and their habits.

I'm all for freedom but it stops when it causes other people irreparable harm.

This is of course IMHO.

Have a great day.

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